Tori Turnbull

Hi! Thanks for visiting my website and checking out my bio.
So, you want to know a bit about me… well, I write fun books, for fun! My debut novel the romantic comedy Kissing Frogs was published in June 2018. I have now published three romantic comedies.
I love to travel and have a world of adventures behind (and ahead) of me, from staying in a halfway house in Australia with newly released convicts, being evacuated from South Sudan during fighting, flashing a stag-do in Lanzarote (bikini fail) and taking a group naked sauna in South Korea… It seems a lot of my stories - real and fictional - end up with someone wet and naked!
What else… I have lived in more than twenty houses, but now have my forever home in Cumbria (on the border between England and Scotland), with my accident prone, hyperactive Spaniel (check her out on my Instagram!) and mini-ponies. Currently single, I’m open to finding love… but my book-boyfriends have set a very high bar.
A country girl, I am a turner of sheep stuck on their backs, crosser of hedgehogs on busy roads and general lover of nature and the great outdoors, walking, gardening and not having to worry about whether or not I’ve remembered to brush my hair.
That’s me in about 200 words. I love to hear from my readers - ask me questions, tell me your news, let me know what you think of my books, share your puppy pictures!